So out of the 39 I originally set, 3 were not firtile the first time around, my son dropped 1, and 5 quit. The other 30 are going strong, although it looks like 3 may have an air space problem.
All in all not bad for my first hatch in an LG still air. Can't wait for next friday... Hatching day!!!
As for my Seabright broody... She started out with her nest in a cinder block under the coop. Last weekend I had too crawl under there and haul her and her 10 eggs out and transfer them to the "Broody Crate" I have set up in the coop. She was not happy.
The whole reason for doing it was so that I wouldn't have any bad egg explosions under the coop, because that would be terrible to try to clean out. Anyway, I candled the eggs and 9 out of 10 were alive and kicking. The last one had a crack and bloodring, so I figured she must have bumped it against the cinder block. I went out to check on them this morning and I have a couple of pips!!!
What a good mamma.
All in all not bad for my first hatch in an LG still air. Can't wait for next friday... Hatching day!!!
As for my Seabright broody... She started out with her nest in a cinder block under the coop. Last weekend I had too crawl under there and haul her and her 10 eggs out and transfer them to the "Broody Crate" I have set up in the coop. She was not happy.