Day 14?!?!


11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
Ok, I put 9 of my own Serama eggs and 3 of my own Old English bantam eggs in the bator on 4/26 (according to my markings on the eggs). I candled them 4 days ago (at the day 10 mark) and had 100% development! One, unfortunately, was a quitter, so I tossed it. I thought the eggs looked more about Day 14ish, but thought maybe it was just because it was my first batch of the year and my candling skills needing some work. Well, I was just near the incubator and what do I hear? PEEPING. I think, no way, look at the incubator, and I HAVE A CHICK! A fully hatched chick, in the turner. The bator is out of water of course (needs it about every third day and today was the day) so the humidity is about 23%. Chick is exhausted because he is stuck between the other eggs and the side of the bator (brinsea eco). I don't have any other pips, but several others are peeping and rocking!

Is this possible at day 14? Can my temp be THAT off? (thermometer says 102.5, but it reads about 3 degrees high (unless thermometers change over time or when shipped as this bator was sold and has come back to me). Is it even possible for eggs to hatch 7 days early? Even given that the seramas and our old english have a tendency to begin to hatch at 19 days, that is still 5 days early. Did I screw up the date or could they really be THAT early?

Chick seems fine by the way. He is starting to stand up some and peep more and his legs/toes are straight. There do not appear to be any deformities or anything other than a normal chick.
I was thinking maybe it hatched so early because it was farther along in development than you thought. How many days did you hold them before you put them in? Or did you gather them all on the same day and put them in? I had a couple hatch out three days earlier than the rest so thats why I was wondering.

They were gathered within a three-day period, I believe. They were kept cool, so I can't imagine how any would have started developing.

I have two chicks now. The one that hatched on it's own is doing well, up and much more active today. The other pipped but was totally shrink wrapped and I had to peel it out of the shell. The third egg that had pipped the air cell died without an external pip. I had a new pip this morning, and if it is not either out or making some serious progress on zipping when I get home, I will probably give it some assistance if it is ready since I lost the one due to the low humidity (which is up now).

I have another set in there due the 18th that were put in there a few days after the serama and old english eggs. I KNOW when they were put in there because they are shipped eggs and I received them the 28th and put them in the bator that night with the others figuring lockdown was close enough on the two batches to not cause a problem. If they hatch a week early I will be absolutely certain that it was not me writing down the date wrong. I am still perplexed as to how I could have done that as I looked at the date on my cell phone, then marked it on the eggs. Still haven't found anything to say if it is in any way possible for them to hatch at 14 days?

Very weird. So confused.
wow! that is crazy! so they are hatching even though the turner never stopped!? that is awesome you got babies from all the confusion...or they are causing confusion! lol!

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