Day 17 and i have wigglers should i out them into lockdown early


9 Years
Jun 17, 2010
hi everyone i have 23 eggs that are on day 17 i placed them in the incubator on geb 10th and when i got home today to check on them and the temp since yesterday i had a little spike in the temp to 104 for about an hr or two and to turn them as i looked threw the clear windows on the top to check the temp and hummidity there was a few wigglers the eggs were wiggling really well has anyone had eggs that on day 17 started to wiggle and try to get out they are not even on lockdown yet should i increase the humidity and place them on lockdown early
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Oooh! Idk, but I am right there with you...I set mine on Feb. 11th. Let's keep our fingers crossed for a great hatch! Mine is on webcam for my 2nd grade class. Google Sycamore Chick Hatch and you can compare our hatches. :)
What type of egg are they?

Because i read that bantams quite often hatch on day 18. Which means 2 more days for me:fl
wistlindixie we deffinetly should do that i am pulling up the link on another page right now. my eggs are mixed i have only one roo which is a RIR but have many different breeds of hens i have RIR, BR, BSL, RSL, EE, leghorn, silverspangled hamburgs and authlorps

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