Day 17 &egg yolk all over eggs w/PIC Just leave it?


10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
Northern Indiana
I have a broody EE that is on day 17. I didn't candle the eggs and figured she would give 'em the boot if they were no good. She started with 14 eggs and as of today is down to 12. I don't know if she just smashed them or what, but some of the 12 eggs are covered in yolk. I figure there's not much to do. Any ideas or thoughts on this? I'm afraid a chick won't be able to break through it, but that could just be my ignorance -- this is my first broody hen.

Suggestions??? Thanks!

Thanks, I did it....although it was more like picking it off. She had totally rotated her eggs so I had to put my hand under her belly and lift her up to find it. That feather was really glued on there by that yolk. O'well, it's done now...


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