Day 18 went to unplug the automatic turner and found it already unplugged.


7 Years
Aug 28, 2016
Memphis, TN
I went to my classroom today to lock down my Silkie eggs and found the turner was unplugged. I have no idea if a cleaning person unplugged it sometime along the way or if I never actually plugged it in. Anyway, I candled a couple of times along the way and again today. Two appeared to have died but about 12 still are alive and look good. Any suggestions or ideas of what to expect?
I would think that the eggs had been turning for the most crucial part of incubation, or else you would have probably lost more. Chicks are moving pretty independently in the shells by around 2 weeks, so if it’s been unplugged for just a few days they should be fine. Good luck!
A lot depends on when it was unplugged. Chicken eggs don't really need to be turned after two weeks. The first week is most important but there are some benefits for turning that second week. If it was unplugged fairly recently I'd expect a normal hatch.

Two main benefits of early turning is that it helps the body parts to form in the right places and it keeps the yolk and developing embryo from touching the inside of that egg shell and sticking. What could, might possibly, maybe happen is that you get a bad hatch rate or some malformed chicks. No need to lie to you, turning is important. But stuff like this happens a lot. Quite often it's just not a big deal, usually not as bad as it could be and not as bad as we expect. Certainly do not give up hope.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
I came to school this morning to find six babies hatched and waiting to be removed from the incubator. A 7th needed a little help but is now fine. The rest didn’t make it but the babies were fully formed but never internally pipped. So, no ill effects from the turner being unplugged. I do think I accidentally unplugged it in the middle of the second week. Thank you for your help and encouragement!

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