Day 20 on my cuckoo maran eggs!! Wish me luck UPDATED PICS

Hows your little chickie doing CH?
it is doing very good, I snuck a wash rag in, on the corner ontop of the turner so he could have some more stable footing. Staggered hatched with only 1 incubator is not goor
Good luck on your hatch, it looks like that type of turner you can take out the pins on both ends and remove each egg tray as they empty for the chicks to have room. Or get a brooder set up and just put them in the brooder as soon as they dry up good.
Best of luck!
These are the eggs I purchased. They are supposed to be, cuckoo maran, welsummer, and Barnevelders. I am not sure but the 2 chicks I hatched so far came out of the same color egg but are way different looking??? Not sure. I will try to get pics.

Yeah my mistake! I had to help them both out. They started pipping real well but they made no progress what so ever. I prolly shouldnt have done anything but they are ok, so far. I have some expensive cuckoo marans that are due to hatch tommorrow. I am nervous about that. I hope I didnt ruin this whole batch because I had them turned the wrong way. I didnt add the turner until the 13th day, until then they were all on their sides and I turned them like that.
They should pip 24 hours before they begin to really work on hatching out. In that 24 hours they switch over from circulation that includes the membranes to exchange oxygen through the egg shell to breathing with lungs. If you help them out before they have changed they bleed lots. So hold off 48 hours anyway as the hatching part can take 24 hours as well.

EDIT to add in that 24 hours after piping they need to take in the egg yoke so they have that nutrition. That connection you saw in the chick you helped out is the sac the egg yoke was in, and that's not good, it might not have gotten it all, so be careful with that one, it could be quite weak.
thanks for the great info! It is now day 22, i had 8 eggs that was due to hatch yesterday on day 21. 3 hatched, with my help, they pipped. Problem is the others are still alive but no pip yet. I took one out and candled it and the chick is moving its feet or something, but its not really rocking the egg or peeping or pipping. What to do????

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