Day 23, R they done? How to tell?


12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
Eaton, Ohio
We just had our brahmas hatch.

Set 18, hatched 11 so far starting on day 19, last two hatched last night.

There are 7 eggs left in there. Don't see any pips, etc.

What should I do? Get them out n candle? Open? Throw out?

Thanks a bunch!
If it was day 23 for me, I'm certain I would end my hatch, espacially if they were all set together and it was for a breeder flock. ALso, for me personally (because I don't plan on hatching very often and I'm emotional), I don't ever plan on cracking open any leftover eggs. That's totally just me, others suggest to crack them to see what went wrong, but I'm not overly fond of hatching and don't plan to do this again until my whole flock has passed away from natural causes, lol. I plan to give my leftover eggs a little burial.
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