Day 23-update

I woke up to 3 more pip holes this morning. 2 standard Faverolle eggs and 1 EE auction egg. Little loner chickie is hovering close by and talking to the tiny beaks sticking out of the eggs
I did it quick and hum is still at 62%. Other 3 eggs have big pip holes now, but not progressing any. Membrane looks like its shrink wrapped to the chicks.

I went out to the brooder in the coop outside and got 3 tiny bantam chicks to put with it for company and warmth. They are only as big as the new chickie. I will wait til the new chick/s are a couple days old before I move them out to the big brooder.

That's awesome that the others have started pipping now!
I am still watching this thread, praying for good news everytime I check it.

If the membrane gets too dry(due to low hum.) then the chick will get stuck and won't be able to pip. But your hum. seems OK.

Good luck!!!! I'm glad the first chick is doing awesome!
The two Favorelles and the EE are out of their eggs. The EE is a dark one, cool!

They keep wanting to flip on their backs though, why is that?

No other pips that I can see yet. Maybe the EE eggs I put in a day later will pip by tomorrow?

First little chickie is almost all fluffed up now!
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Congrats on your babies!! YAY!

I candled mine last night and they seem to be duds. I need to clean the bator out for 12 more eggs to go in the hatcher tomarrow.....I'm a little disapointed beacause these eggs had MUCH better conditions thann my 1st hatch......oh well.
Awww sorry you didn't get a very good hatch!

Well if no more of mine hatch, I'm only looking at a 10% hatch rate, not very good either.

That makes the ones I did get to hatch $10 a chick, they best all be girls for that price! lol
I am just not sure this hatching stuff is for me. I obviously don't have very good luck.

Started with 41 eggs, down to 26 at day 14. All looked to be doing well w/ movement when taken out of the turner on day 18.

1 hatched on day 21. 3 more yesterday, on day 22 at 2 pm. First one to hatch still looks sleepy, but seems the best out of the 4. The two Faverolles are really weak/tired and one seems to be spradle legged, so I used the bandaid method. It was having a heck of a time standing up and moving around. The EE from the random auction eggs seems to be doing the best out of the last 3 to hatch.

EE (looks like a chipmunk Weeble Wobble lol)

Faverolle (the one doing better)

Faverolle (the sleepy one that has trouble standing)

Went through the 12 oldest eggs this morning. Almost all had fully formed chicks that died just before absorbing their yolks. Only 1 or 2 quit awhile ago.

I left my 10 shipped EE eggs alone because 1 is pipping right now. C'mon chickie!!! I don't see pips on any others yet, will give them another day or two.

I don't know what the heck could have gone wrong. How could they all get that far and then die and yet some live and be almost perfect? I am bummed and feel like I let down the people I bought the eggs from
Don't know if I will ever attempt this again.

If my pipping EE hatches I will have 1 from one shipment (nope not happening, it died before getting out of the shell, grrr), 2 from a second shipment and 2 from auction eggs. A sucky hatch rate to say the least, but at least I have a few fluffybutts for all my money and efforts.
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