day 24 no sound or movement


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 15, 2012
Day 23 came and went. Now it's the start of day 24. 5 eggs in incubator (37.5 temp. 65% humidity). No sound or movement. They were rolled around alot on day 20 by a chick and I opened the lid briefly about 4 times to remove chicks day 21.
Should I wait any longer or open the eggs? The anxiety is terrible! Didn't know hatching eggs would be s uch an emotional experience...
honestly....there is a time to call it. i havn't hatched much chickens. but alot of quail, they hatch on day 15/16 on day 18 i toss all that is left in there. mother nature knows best...if they havn't hatched yet......its time to move on.

sorry about your luck hopefully better next time

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