Day 25 Float test viable but no sound inside


6 Years
Jun 11, 2013
I had 7 eggs in the incubator, five hatched Friday and Saturday. Just did the float test on the remaining two and it seems they are viable, but if I gently tap at the shell there is no response. What shall I do, could they really be still alive? Should I carefully open?


Candle the eggs and draw a line along the air sac, so you know where it is. Then take a sharp object, like a small drill bit, and carefully score an X over and over at a point far from the air sac line. Once you got through the shell take a pair of tweezers and make the hole a bit bigger, just big enough to allow you to see inside. Then take a wet Q-tip and carefully dampen the membrane covering the chick. If that doesn't get a response chances are the chick is gone. Good luck!
Thanks for the advice!
I opened up both of them as was just an undeveloped egg yolk, the other one a perfectly developed chick with the yolk sack still attached, but unfortunately dead.....:-(( Did I wait to long to interfere?
The inner membrane was rather tight around the chick, is that what is called "shrink-wrapped"?
The other five though are happy and growing fast.
Thanks for all the help

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