Day 28 - no sign of ducklings


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 10, 2012
My ancona began sitting 28 days ago, so far there is no sign of ducklings. She started with 15 eggs and with a nest change where she only took 7 of the eggs with her about mid way though. We are down to 4 eggs from the original 15 due to a couple dark smelly ones and one cracked one that hadn't developed a few days ago. Is there any hope that any of those 4 will hatch if it is day 28 and no pipping of the shells (that I can tell) I haven't really seen any movement either, but the momma really won't stay off of her nest long enough for me to watch them really.
I have a muscovy doing the same thing. Hatch day was yestreday and so far, nothing. Someone on here who has been raising ducks for like 20 years said that ducks don't really care about your calendar, they hatch in their own time. I would give it another couple of days as will I. We can sweat it out together.
My ancona began sitting 28 days ago, so far there is no sign of ducklings. She started with 15 eggs and with a nest change where she only took 7 of the eggs with her about mid way though. We are down to 4 eggs from the original 15 due to a couple dark smelly ones and one cracked one that hadn't developed a few days ago. Is there any hope that any of those 4 will hatch if it is day 28 and no pipping of the shells (that I can tell) I haven't really seen any movement either, but the momma really won't stay off of her nest long enough for me to watch them really.
I'd go out after dark and candle a them, wear long sleeves and gloves. but that way you;'ll know whats going on.
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I have a muscovy doing the same thing. Hatch day was yestreday and so far, nothing. Someone on here who has been raising ducks for like 20 years said that ducks don't really care about your calendar, they hatch in their own time. I would give it another couple of days as will I. We can sweat it out together.
Have you candled yours? when my Muscovy went2 days past hatch day and had hatched 4 but there were 4 eggs left I went ahead and candled the last 4 were no good.
I have candled them, but as this is the first time I have done this, I just wasn't sure what I was seeing. I know that the air pocket seemed to be where it should be?
First year I kept count and my Muscovy went over the 35 days. I"m not wondering if they were just standing over their eggs for a few days to keep me from taking them and weren't really sitting and warming them up. This year a mom who free ranged and had her nest in an abandoned doggie igloo; left her nest for 2 days. The eggs were cold to the touch and I was going to throw them out when she came back and sat again. Four days later, there was her brood, I was totally surprised.
That is reassuring. She has been on her nest almost non stop for the last 29 days, except when I encourage her to get off and eat and drink (with a piece of straw). I'm so afraid that I've done something wrong and that I've killed them. I candled them a day or so ago. And now I've read that they shouldn't be moved in the last 3 days... When she got off of her nest this morning I smelled them and they all smelled fine, so that is my only hope at this moment.

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