Day 7 with Lethargic sick RIR hen More Advice Needed PLEASE


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 8, 2011
Hen still is not responding well and once again asking for advice. I have spent countless hours reading on BYC and confused as to what to do next. It appears she had mites and has been dusted and head shaking is not near as bad. She did eat scrambled egg with egg shell this morning. But still somewhat lethargic and still has diaharea ...but could be from limited food intake. It is foamy and sometimes white looking and sometimes a pale yellow.

My questions are:

Would you start corid as an antibiotic or is there another to use?

I had treated her with Wazine17 8 days ago and on day 3 I administered a pea size amount of safeguard on a piece of bread.

Would you do another round of wormer either safeguard, ivermectin or valbazen (which I would have to run out and get this one).

Presently have vitamins/electrolytes in water.

She did pass what I believe was a huge long rubber egg thing yesterday....and why I have added the egg shell to the scrambled egg this morning.

Please help.
I'm sorry to hear about your problems. I will try and advice you based on the info you gave here. The yellow diarrhoea could be from limited food intake, yes. Try and get her to eat as much as she can. Tempt her with things she likes eating. If she enjoys the egg, give her more. Q's: Corid is not an antibiotic, it's a thiamine blocker. You've given her 2 doses of dewormer already and dewormers is hard on them. Wait at until at least 10 days after giving her the safeguard before following up with another dose. In the meantime keep up with the vitamin+mineral supplements and the eggs. She will need the nutrients to help her build up her strength again.
Thanks sumi for the response. I thought she might have an intestinal infection or something and tough to tempt her with food. I pick grass and clover as she will eat that. The egg she eats about 1/4 of a scrambled egg with eggshell crushed. As for the wormers, I did not realize how limited Wazine 17 was and made the mistake in treating all the hens with it. The other 3 appear to be fine but this one gal was dehydrated and lethargic the next day in which I syringed electrolytes into her. Previous to the worming I noticed this gal had a messy butt with the runs and noticed what appeared to be a white thing in her poop but she quickly ate it and could not look closer at it...then came the wazine 17. After reading on the BYC site I noticed other wormers being used and when I decided that I may not have used a broad enough spectrum wormer and gave less than 1cc of safeguard on a tiny piece of bread to her. I am not seeing significant improvement over the 8 days is why I started reading some more and thought she might need the CORID. I did run and pick up and why I am late responding to your message. It appears she is slacking off the water again too and will have to syringe her again. Don't know what the normal amount of water intake is for a RIR...but she is back to huddling down in the crate.

The only other meds I have is basically for upper respiratory issues from what the packages say. Also, I had dusted her with Poultry Dust for mites and lice and there appears to be an issue there as she was like a chicken on a hot tin roof stamping her feet and pecking herself after the application. I do have Ravap EC in route as it was ordered online and could not get it locally. I have my work cut out for me.

so basically the CORID will do nothing to help her ?
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Also thought I was going to have to syringe her with the vitamin/electrolyte mix but hubby put in a slice of watermelon and she has eaten some of it. Also fixed up another scrambled egg with eggshell and she ate a little mainly after the shell. Is the process to recovery generally this slow as we are on day 7.
Here she is eating a little watermelon. Oddly she does not want to eat food in the bowl or feeders right now ..cleaned up for photo and then back with food on the floor of the crate.


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