Day Old Blue Slates


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Lula, GA
These are the 2 that survived the shrink wrappage. Ain't they cute????



Yeah, that is how the blues breed, you can get blacks and blues just like here. One will be a black spanish and the other will be a blue slate. Unless you get what they call lavenders aka self blues.
ok how about a black turkey ??

the black spanish was used to create the blue slate, that is why they throw blacks. maybe they are not considered to be spanish at that point but they look exactly the same as we use to breed slates and the black poullts from them look just like spanish poults that we have.
They would be called black slates, they may look like Spanish but they aren't. Look at the leg color for one thing between a Black Spanish and a Slate- see any difference? That's like saying since the White Holland was used in the development of the Beltsville White that a large BSW is a Holland....I don't so
Steve in NC
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Look at the leg color for one thing between a Black Spanish and a Slate- see any difference?

Nope their is no difference between a black spanish and blue slate leg color.

Only the norfolk blacks have black legs and feet.​
Little black fella has developed splayed legs. I got a band-aid and splinted the little guy and put poly-vi-sol in their water.

Both little guys are eating and drinking great!!!!

You're right Steve! Everybody loves a Turkey!!!!! (or two)!
Blue slate description

The head, throat, and wattles are red to bluish white. The beak is horn in color; the eyes are brown; and the beard is black. The shanks and toes are pink.

Black turkey description

The beak is black, the wattle is red, changeable to bluish-white, and the shanks and toes are pink in adults. Eye color is dark brown.

Norfolk Black description

The adult Norfolk turkeys (in the U.S.) can have some white tipped feathers with pink toes and shanks. The British poultry Standard of 1951-1971 calls for the Norfolk Black to have black shanks and toes with no white in the feathers.

When breeding Slate to Slate, the results are three different colors, Slate,Self Blue and Black.

If you were to breed the blacks from this together or with another black 100% black poults would be the result.

These black poults have the same genotype as the black spanish and do breed true
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