Day old chick guessing game!


Jul 26, 2019
Deland FL
Just got a shipment of Golden Campines and Fayoumis from My Pet Chicken, but I also love a surprise so I got four “brown egg layer assortment” chicks. Anyone want to hazard a guess to see what arrived? All four look distinctly different right now.
I think Rhode Island Red for sure. Thanks for the yellow one might be a white Plymouth rock. Some sort of Wynadotte for the last one? Time will tell.
Okay, so based on mypetchicken you could have:
Barred Plymouth Rock,
Black jersey giant,
Buff Orpington,
Golden buff,
Golden laced Wyandotte,
White Plymouth Rock,
Or Rhode Island Red.

My guess for the four you have:

Barred Plymouth Rock or jersey giant for the first one, due to the white dot on their head.

White Plymouth Rock for the second one.

Rhode Island Red for the third one.

And golden laced Wyandotte for the fourth.

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