Day old red sex link chick pecking other chicks eyes


Feb 23, 2015
Bancroft NE
I have a chick that is just a few days old that is pecking the other chicks eyes. She is grabbing the eye lids and shacking them! I separated her for safety but not sure how to stop her so she can be put back with the group or is that not possible?
She;s just being a little too aggressive with her checking out her world. Chicks really want to spend their day foraging on grass, so the simplest solution is to get them outdoors, at least part of the day, and permanently as soon as possible. If you are brooding indoors, I would decrease the heat and increase the size of the brooder as much as you can. You can make a perfectly good brooder out of cardboard boxes (think stove or refrigerator boxes) and duct tape. Put items in the brooder to distract them -- things to jump up on, hide under, roost on, etc., and move them around every day. Bring a chunk of sod indoors to their brooder.
Mine did the same thing, I thought my black sex links were going to be supper aggressive because of this. I tried to give them different things to peck at like paper towel rolls and hanging strings. Things to play with. They stopped the eye pecking pretty quick, not sure if it really had anything to do with the toys.
Mine did the same thing, I thought my black sex links were going to be supper aggressive because of this.  I tried to give them different things to peck at like paper towel rolls and hanging strings.  Things to play with.  They stopped the eye pecking pretty quick, not sure if it really had anything to do with the toys.
That is soo great to hear!

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