Dead laying hen


8 Years
Jun 8, 2015
Discovered this morning one of my six hens stone cold dead, up by the nesting boxes. I'd be surprised if it's avian flu but can't rule out anything. I have not introduced anything new to the homestead EXCEPT two chicks incubated locally by a friend with a very small backyard flock.

She doesn't appear to be injured and it requires a 50 inch jump to get where she is. Not sure what, if any, steps next besides disposal
Would you be willing to open her up yourself or can you send her to your state lab for a necropsy?

Fatty liver disease kills without any warnings. It's caused by what the bird eats and how much it moves.

What exactly do you feed your flock and how big is your coop/run?
Thanks for reply. Our chickens free range in a wooded homestead. I put out soy free og feed 24x7 from a local grainery (which they dont consume much of this time of year) and scratch+sunflower seeds+oyster shell on the ground in the am. They are mostly RI Red mix from nearby Moyers.

I have no issue opening her up if that could help diagnose or rule anything out.
If you can do a home necropsy to look at her abdominal organs, take some pictures of the liver, intestines, and abdomen. Post any here for opinions. If you want your state vet to do a professional necropsy, place her in 2 clean garbage bags, and keep the body cold in the fridge or a cooler, but do not freeze. Here is a link for the state vets to contact yours:
Here is a good video on performing a necropsy where organs are labeled, although I do just a brief one to look at abdominal organs, amount of fat, and any yellow fluid that could be in the belly when it is opened:

A friend suggested she could have been egg bound.
It is possible, but did you do the necropsy? Other reasons that chickens die are heart failure, fatty liver disease, obstructed crops or gizzards, dehydration. Post pictures if you do one, and we might be able to help.

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