In the Brooder
- Apr 20, 2015
- 64
- 2
- 41
I came to check on my poults this morning and I found a brown lump that, when unearthed, was one of my poults. It appeared squished but was far away from the brooder lamp. They're 6 days old as of today. The hatchery that sent them also sent 8 male chicks for free without our knowing (who would want 8 roosters?) I assume it was squished after it died as it was far away from the lamp (were they wouldn't sleep.) Basically, could it have been smothered and them kicked away (if that's a behavior(there was no trail.)) Or could it have died from blackhead or something else. Last night they were all perfectly fine and the body has no symptoms of anything. I have been feeding them purina startrena for gamebirds and turkeys w/ 30% protein filtered water (from my shower filter, as our water has alot of chlorine... idk y,) the 250 watt bulb w/ reflector is about 24 in off the ground. They're pen is a 60" by 60" hexagon filled w/ pine shavings. Basically,I wanna know if this one was unlucky or sick.