Dealing with a blind dog

We have a blind basset hound. Scenting each room different works great but put the sent along the edges of the couch, etc so they get a feel for where everything's at. Sight buddy is best, Sally gets very upset if she's left alone, anywhere. We have 5 others and they play with her and lead her around as if they know she's blind. No problems in the year she's been here.

To give you an idea of how well she does, she is the lighter, mostly white basset that shows up about halfway through this video, she follows by scent, sound and feel:
Totally blind but still has her eyes intact, the people I rescued her from had an ablasion procedure done several years ago
Make your house an open layout now if possible and don't move things. The dog can get the house down pat now, and know where things are. Change is bad. We fostered a blind chihuahua and always talk when you are approaching, he's likely to be more jumpy since he can't see. Not aggressive, just jumpy. Also, the commands and scents are good. On it's me or the dog, the tv show, they put mats at the steps so the dog could feel the new texture and knew he was about to step down.

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