Dealing with aggressive chicks.

Comanche Chicken

In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2018
Hello, I'm new. I'm used to very mean and aggressive offroad and car forums; so I will say I have searched and read some stuff... First day with my chicks.

I have a aggressive chick. None of the others will try to peak each others eyes out unless this one is present. 2 Barred Plymouth rocks, 2 Rhode island reds, and 2 Golden comments. I have separated her, in the same tub, with a cardboard divider. I cut some holes in it, at fist all the chicks took interest in it which subsided and now the aggressive chick will try to peak through the holes. I covered the lower holes to prevent the more aggressive actions. I hoped the holes would allow them to know each other but not hurt each other. I want them to be accepting of each other later in life, so I figured the holes might help, but it doesn't seem so.

School me please.


I take it that these are very young chicks.

Eyes are shiny like little tasty black beetles. It is normal behaviour even if it is disturbing. No real harm will be done by it. They generally stop in a few days to a week.
Thanks for a quick response. But even back yard chicken's threads mention separating bullies! Its confusing. My first thought was the farm supply stores, where I got my chicks, aren't watching them to prevent this behavior, so it must be normalish. The one definitely was not ok with being separate. However, No peaking since release, so maybe Jail works?..
They are still golf ball sized and in a pretty good sized tub. They could move if they wanted. I'm hoping its just the curiosity. What is worrisome how when separated none with peak, when together the one will start it. A bigger cage is coming soon, but they need the heat currently so they are all staying together.
I had a problem chick, she would drag other chicks around flapping her wings to pull them into a corner to peck violently. When I caught her actually draw blood I had enough! so I sat near the brooder, watching. Each time she pecked violently I tapped her on the back gently. She would get a scare and stop. After only 25 minutes and a few taps in the first few minutes she stopped completely.

It may be worth a try if the chick starts to draw blood.

I've also heard red brooder lamps can stop this, never seen it work though .

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