Are you dealing with annoying neighbors? I have always lived in the outback and have never had close neighbors so I've never had to deal with them. However if you have a neighbor that is complaining about your chickens, maybe offer them up a dozen eating eggs. Who wouldn't soften if they were getting free eggs?!

Has anyone dealt with difficult, annoying, or complaining neighbors? What were the issues? How did you successfully resolve them?
Seek official mediation with them. If they decline, anything goes. Keep a diary of all events.

I've complained (to local authorities to no avail) about my neighbour's 3 barking dogs for years. Now I have a cockerel that perches up high and crows toward his yard. guess what - the dogs have gone quiet.

Has anyone dealt with difficult, annoying, or complaining neighbors? What were the issues? How did you successfully resolve them?
Perhaps if you share how your neighbors are difficult or annoying, or what they are complaining about, we might be able to help you in more practical ways.

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