Dealing with Opossums and chickens

Kill it they have more then one kill him before he kill your chickens
I lost 15 chick cause of a possum I have to put down 6 possum and they still come around sure I don’t want to kill them but if it comes to survival my chicken will win all 6 came at 1200am and the last one that came couldn’t get my chicken cause they perch high where it can’t get them or too stupid knowing how lol but then my eggs was being crack open I thought it was my rooster or my chicks but guess what it was a possum and yes it’s in possum heaven lol I haven’t seen them in a while knock on wood because what they do to a chicken is torture and it sucks call me a killer so be it but my chickens need help and I’m there keeper no more death in mr coop lol take care and best wishes to your chicken
I found a possum in with my bantams once. It didn't leave alive. I thought it was a rat not knowing what a possum was.

Catch Them Alive traps might be your best bet. Catch them and relocate them far from your farm. They're one of the TOP tick predators, so if you know of somewhere that has a lot of ticks, that would be a good place to release them at.

Best of luck!
Thank you all for the advice.

The possum never came back, for now. Will keep y'all 'dated when/if it does.

He’s like a thief in the night you never know when he will come but when he does you will be sad remember a good possum is a dead possum later
Thank you all for the advice.

The possum never came back, for now. Will keep y'all 'dated when/if it does.

Thanks again!
I have one too! I wish I could've gotten his pic. He's just a juvenile and he's here for a little cat food. With all the other things he's doing for the environment I don't care if he takes a little kibble.

Hopefully your possum stays away:fl
I hate to say it, but the best thing you can do is feed him lead! Possums have killed 3 of my chickens and when I find them, they go the way of the bullet. You are very mistaken about them not normally hurting chickens. It's not pretty when the do it either.
I completely agree... They can and will kill your chickens.. get rid of him, I purchased a release trap from TSC, and caught 3 raccoons. But the last time was too much for me to hubby took him out for good😉
Wish you fast and easy farewell to that predator 🤞

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