*Death Lurks at Night* A Fantasy RP

Xylo teleported bin a ledge above her, whispering "You fool. You think that your wolf form can save you."

Charlotte snapped at the empty air before sprinting off into the forest. She crouched in the hollow of a dying silver birch, her thick fur camouflaging her perfectly. She held her breath, scanning the forest for Xylo with her sharp eyes.
Charlotte snapped at the empty air before sprinting off into the forest. She crouched in the hollow of a dying silver birch, her thick fur camouflaging her perfectly. She held her breath, scanning the forest for Xylo with her sharp eyes.
Xylo could be heard teleporting around constantly, as to throw her off. He whispered "Your fear pleases me."
Elm spied a Slytheri bathing from the trees. She pulled out her bow and arrow, noiselessly.
Mabuka occasionally stuck her tongue out for a few seconds to take in the scents around her, and noticed the smell of a Blade. She looked around with her pinkish eyes and spotted the Blade, hissing slightly.
"What d'you want?" She asked in a highly agitated tone.

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