Debating on adding more chickens to my flock..

Build before you add. Right now, the birds you have are probably not quite full grown. What looks like a lot of room for chicks, turns out not to be enough room for full size chickens. Over crowding, especially during the winter can cause a lot of problems.

To keep two roosters, I would want 20 birds... not so much that each rooster will take 10 hens and all be happy, they won't. But people that have flocks of 20+ birds, have LARGE set ups, roosters need more room than hens.

Do measure your set up, then calculate the number of birds.

But the best advice would be to wait a year, next spring, add some chicks, the year after that, fill your set up with chicks again, along the way, you will loose a bird or two. This build a good multi-generational flock, with strong dynamics. It keeps young birds in your flock.

Mrs K
Thank you so much for your advice I really appreciate it. That makes a lot of sense and I think I will definitely wait until the spring to decide if I want to add given that there is enough room.

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