Deciding to let my broody hatch some eggs! Help


9 Years
May 25, 2012
Fort Valley, GA
This hen has been broody a couple of times and I always stopped her. However I just lost a hen and decided I will just let her hatch! I've never done this before so is there a thread someone could point me to with what to expect? Thanks!
Sorry, don't know of any threads, but I can give you some advice. I also had a hen that went broody twice, so I let her have an Easter Egger egg to hatch. Just put the egg under the hen and let her sit on it, candle it once in a while. Then, once it's near the end of Day 20, move the hen to a box covered with chicken wire, so she'll stay with the chick once it hatches (that can take 2 - 12 hours). Let them out after 12-24 hours, then the chick will be hungry and thirsty.
Thanks! Can I just put her and the eggs in a separate coop when they are ready to hatch? And should I keep them separated from the others after they hatch?
Thanks! Can I just put her and the eggs in a separate coop when they are ready to hatch? And should I keep them separated from the others after they hatch?
You can put the hen in a separate box in the same coop, and then let them in with the other chickens. The mother will protect her from the others. Mine was the top of the pecking order; put the others in her place.

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