Deck The Halls...........

English Chick

English Mum
11 Years
Jun 27, 2008
Cheshire UK
As that wonderous season is upon us.. with all it's magic and folklore.. as well as it being the Birthday of Christ... thought I would share with you the story of the Holly Bush....

Druids believed that holly, with it's shiny leaves and red berries, stayed green to keep the earth beautiful when the sacred oa lost its leaves. They wore sprigs of holly in their hair when they went into the forest to watch their priests cut the sacred mistletoe....

Holly was the sacred plant of Saturn and was used at the Roman Satuurnalia festival to honour him. Romans gave one another holly wreaths and carried them about, decorating images of Saturn with it.

Centuries later, in December while other Romans continued their Pagan worship, Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus. To avoid persecution they decked their homes with Saturnalia holly. As Christian numbers increased and their customs prevailed, holly lost its pagan association and became a symbol of Christmas.

The plant comes to stand for peace and joy, people are said to settle arguments under the holly tree. It is believed to frighten witches off and protect the home from lightening.

In Western England it is said that sprigs of holly around a young girls bed on Christmas Eve are supposed to keep away goblins! and some British farmers put sprigs of holly on their beehives. On the first Christmas, they believed the bees hummed in honour of the Christ Child.

The English also mention the "He holly and the She holly" as being the determining factor in who will rule the household the following year, the "She holly" having smooth leaves and the "He holly" having the prickly ones.

Other beliefs included putting a sprig of holly on the bedpost to bring sweet dreams and making a tonic from holly to cure a cough. Enough reasons indeed for decking the hall with boughs of holly......

So I think you should all join me in singing that lovely song............".DECK THE HAL"L.... (all together now 1.2.3....)

Deck the hall with boughs of holly..... Fa la la la la la la
"Tis the season to be jolly... Fa la la la la la
Don we now our gay apparel. Fa la la la la la la

See the blazing yule before us. .... Fa la la la la la
Strike the harp and join the chorus. .. Fa la la la la la
Follow me in merry measure.. Fa la la la la la
While I tell of Yuletide treasure... Fa la la la la la

Fast away the old year passes. .. Fa la la la la la
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses... Fa la la la la la
Sing we joyous all together! .. Fa la la la la la
Heedless of the wind and weaher.... Fa la la la la laaaaaaaa..

May I wish you all a Happy, Healthy Peaceful Christmas......... may the passing of the old year bring 2010 to be a thundering good year for us all......
Thank you for that Linda!!! Falalalalalalala!!!! I just shattered a window.
I sang with you!

For some reason, though, when I started singing, the deaf cat bit me and Baby D howeled... Hmmmm

Blessed Be EC!!!
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Ahhh the Druids.....a misunderstood bunch. I love hearing about the pagans and how traditions became popular mixed with the other beliefs. Thanks EC!!
Boy can you guys really sing......... I heard you over the Pond.... BRAVO!!!!!! ...

and as the BYC International choir gets ready for the Carnegie (sp?) Hall on Christmas Eve.......... practice practice pracice....


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