Deck The Halls...........

No probs Yapps..... we will "voice Over" for you... you sooo have to be in he choir....

Ok voice sounds good. I can be in the front because I love hymns and Christmas songs and raise my hands HIGH!!!!
Debi, I think you and I should lip-sync and be the swaying dancers out front! Got rythym, just a voice that makes car alarms go off.

BTW, I live in HOLLYWOOD and we have holly trees all over the place!

Thank you Linda,
all around!
Ok it's you and me in the front, swaying to the music and hollering at the top of our lungs.

Debi, if I holler, the hens will quit laying, the cows will stop giving milk, the horses won't pull a plow and the goats will faint. Can I just dance and sway? You've heard my voice!
Ok it's you and me in the front, swaying to the music and hollering at the top of our lungs.

Debi, if I holler, the hens will quit laying, the cows will stop giving milk, the horses won't pull a plow and the goats will faint. Can I just dance and sway? You've heard my voice!

But the VOICE OVER!!!! We can holler with the voice over in place.

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