Deep litter method and feeding/watering chickens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 25, 2014
I've had 6 chickens for 1 year now. I use the deep litter method which works well. My problem is I feed the chickens in their coop and there is wood chips in their food and water all the time. I have switched to feeding them outside in their run but still they need food and water in their coop especially for days when they are in most of the day. Any suggestions?
Sorry, can't help you. I've never had a need for food or water in the run. I put a roof on my run and in winter I wrap it with clear tarps to keep out the wind. There hasn't been a single day when my birds have stayed in their coop.

You could try poultry nipples on a bucket. You shouldn't need more than 2 nipples with only 6 birds. And for feed, maybe a hanging feeder.
Could someone recommend a good mask to use when cleaning out a deep litter coop to avoid histoplasmosis

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