Deep litter method

Would the deep litter method work for a small playhouse converted to a coop? It's approx 10 sq ft. To small for a poop board so they're be a LOT of poop directly on the litter
I'm doing a variation of this coop and I decided to leave the floor out under the perches in the coop so they will poop on the floor. I will rake that out into the rest of the coop area as I stir stuff up weekly. The whole coop/run is pretty secure so I won't worry about something getting in at them.
I think you can do a smaller version of DL in small areas. I did DL in my old coop that was one of those tiny prefab ones that are like 16 inches wide & 3 ft long. I just needed to turn it more & empty the DL more often than once a year.
I am using wood chips for my chicks.
Is straw better??
I know they should start laying when they are after 20 weeks old.
Do they like wood chips where they lay or straw?

I have two coops that are connected on each end with a run in the middle, right now i am using one coop
to keep my supplies such as feed/chips etc.
once they are bigger will they even want to use the smaller coop since they will be used to the original coop
that they are in? I guess it would be like moving, some like it and some dont?? LOL
I am using wood chips for my chicks.
Is straw better??
I know they should start laying when they are after 20 weeks old.
Do they like wood chips where they lay or straw?

I have two coops that are connected on each end with a run in the middle, right now i am using one coop
to keep my supplies such as feed/chips etc.
once they are bigger will they even want to use the smaller coop since they will be used to the original coop
that they are in? I guess it would be like moving, some like it and some dont?? LOL
You can use whatever you want. Just don't use cedar chips they are bad for animals. I use a variety of things for DL- Hay, wood chips, grass, leaves, wood chips from splitting wood. I prefer free items and try to store enough up for the winter :)

My girls don't really care what they lay in.
Whoops! Cedar chips is what I am using for my chicks! They were out of pine chips and the feed store said cedar was all they had left and she said the are more expensive and just as good as pine chips! Should I take them out????
I'm a newbie and will be starting with Chickens in a few weeks when I get moved. I'm working on plans for the coop now. Does it matter if I use saw dust or shavings? The saw dust is really chip from the mill. Like $4.00 for a huge bag. But I don't want to use it is there is a risk to the chickens. Can anyone tell me if it's a bad idea? Thanks,
I would take the cedar chips out. They are know to irritate respitory systems in animals. I have never personally used them for any animal that needed shavings for bedding because of information I have read over the years.

You can always do research on them & come to your own conclusion. There are,some sites that people have said they have used them without a problem. The final decision is yours :)
I'm a newbie and will be starting with Chickens in a few weeks when I get moved. I'm working on plans for the coop now. Does it matter if I use saw dust or shavings? The saw dust is really chip from the mill. Like $4.00 for a huge bag. But I don't want to use it is there is a risk to the chickens. Can anyone tell me if it's a bad idea? Thanks,

If getting chicks and using it in the brooder, you might want to start them out on large flake pine shavings so they won't be eating them, but for bigger birds and in your coop and run, the sawdust will be great! It's in smaller pieces so it will break down well and also absorb well, while being easy to shuffle. Be careful what sawdust you use~try to keep it to pine and hard woods, but not cedar or walnut~and try not to let it get too dry in the summer.

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