Deep litter method

I let my youngest brood out of the brooder yesterday and they are having a ball! Will still leave their little heating pad brooder heater in there for them because we are getting temps in the 40s at night still but they are now officially moved into the free range world...I think they are 2 wks old now but not sure, could be younger. I forgot to mark on the calendar when they were purchased but they look a couple of weeks to me. Bad, huh? Getting too old....
lol yeah I have to check the calender or I can't remember myself. lol Oh I bet THAT is one cute site with them free ranging. I have mine out with the others in a separate area for right now hoping they'll get used to one another. Man these little boogers are growing like weeds to. Only 6 weeks old but getting big. I have 2 RIR/Ba mix that are really cute and have HUGE legs so I'm thinking they're roos. You need to get us a video of them free ranging for us.
lol yeah I have to check the calender or I can't remember myself. lol Oh I bet THAT is one cute site with them free ranging. I have mine out with the others in a separate area for right now hoping they'll get used to one another. Man these little boogers are growing like weeds to. Only 6 weeks old but getting big. I have 2 RIR/Ba mix that are really cute and have HUGE legs so I'm thinking they're roos. You need to get us a video of them free ranging for us.

Will try...they are really super fast and very small, plus are really camouflaged....and wild! When I lift up their brooder heater they scatter like roaches with the light turned on!
Will try...they are really super fast and very small, plus are really camouflaged....and wild! When I lift up their brooder heater they scatter like roaches with the light turned on!
LOL wow that's wild!
This batch I have now isn't wild like those last year. Don't know WHAT the difference is. I noticed on my almanac when I did the 1st bator full of eggs it said good for sitting eggs so I hope I have a good hatch.

yeah I bet it would be hard to get a video then.
LOL wow that's wild!
This batch I have now isn't wild like those last year. Don't know WHAT the difference is. I noticed on my almanac when I did the 1st bator full of eggs it said good for sitting eggs so I hope I have a good hatch.

yeah I bet it would be hard to get a video then.

I'll try tomorrow if it's not raining cats and dogs...we've been getting some good old-fashioned downpours today. I got caught in a brief one and was drenched within seconds. Those RIRs and the duckling are eating all foraged food right now and didn't even bother to try and come to the feeder when I fed. Their little crops are just bulging.
FINALLY, got my 16 6 wk chicks aside yesterday. Got started with 4 5gallon buckets of used shavings from the brooder and 3 bags of leaves. It's a start on my 7.5' x 12' dog kennel coop. It took so long because I had to wait forever for the fellow to predator proof it. We're set now and they are loving it. Playing, flying and having a ball. It's a good size for 16 but they are my layers and will have a run later. I feed my chicks fermented feed so the poop is in good shape and just disintegrates shortly. Looking forward to some good compost this late fall for the garden. Then will replace with fall leaves and wood chips. I've never really made compost before so it's a first.
Wish we could have a good drenching!!
I sure hope you do but not like we got a few days ago with all those tornadoes and flooding. Several in the state were killed.
What happened to it just raining with no lightening and hail and tornadoes and damaging winds? Now when they say rain, they also say all these things to.
So sorry to hear of the crazy terrifying weather. Hope you are safe and all your household is well through all the storms.
thank you, we're fine but many wasn't. A whole family got killed. It blew them away and their son was found several days later a little ways from where they were found. Was so sad because he was only 7-8 years old. I bet he was scared to death being done like that. Just makes me sick and is so sad thinking about their Moms and Dads if they were still alive having to deal with the whole family including the grandsons death.

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