Deep wounds, crop wont empty, now not eating or drinking. NOT DOING WELL!


8 Years
May 7, 2011
Sorry, I had a thread going, but I really could use some answers and maybe no one was looking at my other one. I am starting to get super nervous about her and worried shes not gonna make it. I just want to do everything I can to help her.

Quick rundown.

Dog attack sunday night. Punctures everywhere. 1 5 inch tear that didnt reach muscle but still bad. 2 inch tear that was super deep and bloody. Cant walk right either. = Stephanie is such a fighter. She ate 2 eggs shortly after.
Washed her out with betadine/water and covered with neosporin.

Monday: Brought her to a vet, leg kept collapsing and thought it was broken so didnt know what to do. he didnt think it was broken luckily... But he put a ton on stapes in her, on the 2 large wounds leaving a small opening to drain from. Started her on antibiotics and metacam, both oral medications.

She hasnt wanted to eat much now. She is a SUPER picky eater anyways so its been so hard. She did feed/water mixture the second day. Each day she denies food that she attempted the day before. I also cant get her to drink much either. She is barely pooping, just tiny amounts of nothing.

What she does eat.... doesnt empty the next morning. It just stays in her crop, along with the medications Im sure. The last two days, I have only let her drink water, take medication, eat softer foods. (Strawberries, watermelon, and greek yogurt has been the only thing she will attempt) I still cant get her to drink water though. I massaged for at least 20 minutes last night. Before I went to bed, everything felt soft and broken up. This morning she had a lump a little smaller than a pingpong ball, all the small soft food packed together. UGHHH

She also has ripped out almost all her staples and is picking at the wounds. I cant get her to eat or drink, and if she does it just stays there. For the most part, she is alert and will move around sometimes. Likes to lay on me and get her crop massaged

Pleeeease help. I am getting extremely frustrated and upset. I feel so helpless as I do not know what to do!
Your doing a lot already. Just keep it up. I can't think of any else you could do.
Is she using the leg yet? Her normal functions are all moving slow right now part of the trauma I suppose. Her eating and drinking less is pretty normal. Keep massaging the crop, can't hurt right?
To stop her picking maybe an Elizabethan collar like they use for dogs etc make one out of a cereal box....
Maybe tell the vet staples and chickens don't work well, stitches next time? ( hope there's no next time ) good luck
Call your vet and ask them to sell you a size 18 French catheter and 60ml catheter tip syringe for tube feeding. If you can get those, let me know and I can teach you how to tube. Right now she needs fluids, not food. Tubing fluids to her will probably get her digestive tract working again. Don't even think about trying to syringe fluids to her as it's almost impossible to safely get the correct amount of fluids into her that way. Also ask them about switching to an injectable antibiotic.

Ok thanks guys! The vet gave me something that will get the food going again, I'll have to check what's it's called... Can't remember offhand. I would be more than happy to get fluids in her via tube but if she's impacted, will that cause sour crop? Or is it not passing because there isn't enough fluid?

Sorry for all the questions, just still kinda a newbie who's concerned about her baby :)
It 4:30 in MN now, so go get the tube and syringe before they close, you don't want to wait until tomorrow.

After getting water/meds/a little yogurt mixed in with a tube into her....she seems to be more perky and will walk out of the closet when I open the door for at least a little while! She seems upbeat for the most part so IDK why she doesnt want to eat or drink. The only thing I can get her to eat willingly, dont even have to entice her.... is her stupid scratch mixture! All she wants to eat is seeds, nuts and cracked corn! The hardest thing to digest and probably the least nutritional thing. Strange little girl.
I have meal worms mixed in and she usually avoids them. No to crumbles and no to eggs. She is soooo picky, all the time

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