Definitely a rooster


May 5, 2022
Ducks & chickens were out & about today. The pictures posted are of my sweet Paisley. The one picture has another of my hens next to him. Aside from the different breeds, the other chickens look like the one with Paisley. Paisley is definitely a rooster. I’m just waiting to hear that 1st cock a doodle doo! Out of all 12 of my chickens, Paisley is the most friendly & enjoys sitting on your lap. Hoping he stays that way when he’s older but not holding my breath.


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Ducks & chickens were out & about today. The pictures posted are of my sweet Paisley. The one picture has another of my hens next to him. Aside from the different breeds, the other chickens look like the one with Paisley. Paisley is definitely a rooster. I’m just waiting to hear that 1st cock a doodle doo! Out of all 12 of my chickens, Paisley is the most friendly & enjoys sitting on your lap. Hoping he stays that way when he’s older but not holding my breath.
Wait until his legs turn red. Then you'll get a hint of what you're dealing with.
Generally as testosterone levels rise a cockerels/roosters legs will become red tinged. SOMETIMES this rise in hormones results in aggressive behavior.

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