Definition of the phrase "Thick as thieves" *1 pic*


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
We always say our two GSDs are "thick as thieves" and here's the reason why.

It was Jax's turn to lay on Daddy's feet, so Kane did the next best thing

Thieves--sooooo accurate.

When all our girls (cats too) decide to nap with mommy its just furry bodies in a pile surrounding me. We call it "the sleep heap."
Oh my goodness! I couldn't imagine letting these two sleep with us, they'd hog the whole bed. The cats occasionally sneak in to sleep with us but I have to run them off. Menopause = night sweats, ya know? Don't need anything making me hotter when I'm trying to sleep.
Oh my goodness! I couldn't imagine letting these two sleep with us, they'd hog the whole bed. The cats occasionally sneak in to sleep with us but I have to run them off. Menopause = night sweats, ya know? Don't need anything making me hotter when I'm trying to sleep.

Oh, the dogs don't sleep with us at night--just the cats. There would be no room for me and the hubby!!
Pretty dogs Wolfwoman.

Nope, I think the boys will continue to sleep in their crates at the foot of the bed. DH sleeps with a CPAP machine and oxygen concentrater. I can imagine one of the boys getting tangled up in the hosing for that in the middle of the night.
Oh yes, that would be bad!! lol Actually, before we lost Dakota, all THREE of them would be on the bed at any given time. Lots of time the two boys would get too hot and get off tho.

Dakota (RIP)...

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