Delaware with pale comb


13 Years
Mar 20, 2010
North Texas - chickens 10 yrs
I mean really pale. I put some rooster booster in water and made sure she drank some yesterday. It is way hot here about 100 most days and she is a heavier bodied bird. Today I wormed her. I also took her picture. I think this has been getting paler for 3 days and I do think she is dehydrated. She may have a hidden nest, hasn't laid in the egg box in a couple of weeks, but I can't find the nest and the feathers on her bum look ok. Maybe found the nest, she is hanging out under a shed. May not be drinking enough. But except for pale and being missing from the coop a lot, no symptoms


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She was a chick in Fall 2018, so almost 4? I really wonder if there are eggs under her, now that I know where she is hiding. I also think she is dehydrated and I may go try to get some water under the shed near her.
Is there any way to get under the shed? Maybe shine a light to check, if she's gone broody under there, it's possible. Good idea to put some water/feed close to her hiding spot ... Still waiting to see what others have to say.
looks like she is just sitting on cool sand, not damp, just cool in shade. I have put water near her, she was out to get a drink maybe, and saw me and retreated. (I did give her wormer this morning).... She has no missing bottom feathers and her feathers are clean
Yesterday she was hanging out by the water bowl and showed an interest in the grasshopper I caught for the hens. This morning she was dead. I've buried her. I suspect heart blockage or the heat, she was not missing any feathers, had been days since I wormed her, no foul bottom feathers, nothing. But the pale comb indicated poor circulation to me.

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