Desensitizing my dog to house chicken

Snow Flamingo

Aug 26, 2017
Edinboro, PA
Hello! Does anyone have ideas for desensitizing a dog from a house pet chicken. I have a Large German Shepherd who is also my Service Dog. He listens very well, but has a strong prey drive. Is a very quick learner and would like the chicken to be loose in the house.......any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi and welcome to BYC:frow There are a lot of folks out here who have succeeded, so I'm sure someone will jump with suggestions. My avatar can control herself and will basically ignore them--but when they start flapping their wings she can't help herself. Again welcome and glad you joined us.:ya
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I don't know what to suggest. Having chickens in the house where the dog will always be, makes it more difficult. If they were in a chicken coop and had a secure run it would be much different, you could gradually increase your dogs exposure to them.

Maybe BYCERS on the "people with house chickens," thread would have suggestions.

My friend has 3 bantam house pet chickens- and has an elderly Peke-a-Poo dog that pretty much ignores them. He has been around years of house chickens. My friend did say that when he was a pup he pulled out some chicken tail feathers and she hollered at him so much, he never did it again.

He tolerates the chickens stealing food from his dish, hiding his dog toys & treats, and sticking close to him like a shadow , when in the back yard. Oh yes, nearly forgot they often kick him out of his dog bed.
My turkey hens pick on my avatar. They peck at her fur, follow her around and in general just make a pain of themselves--but she lets them do it. When she gets tired of it she just moves. Every now and again she'll give em a LOUD BARK, aka I'm done with this. and they get the message.
I'm hoping to be able to house train my hen like a dog, but to go in one spot on newspaper. I've read where others have done that. Years ago I had a Buff Orpington hen I brought in the house every evening after work. She was a love. Had two labs who could care less, she would even cuddle up to my boy lab on the couch. Never pooped while she was in. I can no longer manage outside animals so all I want is one bantam hen, I have an XL dog crate set up which will have a second floor with ladder. She will be safe. Hope to integrate her with my German Shepherd. He is a good boy, but was hoping someone here could give me some advice.

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