Desert chicken newb.

Hello, and welcome! Glad that you joined! I live in the hot desert here in Arizona. Your flock will need to be predator proof but have good ventilation and some shade from the hot sun. Make sure that there is plenty of water out there for them to drink so that they can stay hydrated. It won't hurt to also have a kiddy pool out there with some ice in it when we get the high temps of summer. The ice can melt in it, and they will enjoy standing in the water it makes from the ice.
Hello, and welcome! Glad that you joined! I live in the hot desert here in Arizona. Your flock will need to be predator proof but have good ventilation and some shade from the hot sun. Make sure that there is plenty of water out there for them to drink so that they can stay hydrated. It won't hurt to also have a kiddy pool out there with some ice in it when we get the high temps of summer. The ice can melt in it, and they will enjoy standing in the water it makes from the ice.
They stand in it, like this:
How many full sized chickens (Barred Rocks) should I keep in a 10x10 coop?
(they will also have a bigger fenced in run outside the coop)
At a needed 5 square feet per bird and your 100 square foot coop, you could fit about 20 birds in your coop. With that many birds, you might give them more like 6 or 7 sq feet per bird, more room the happier and healthier they will be. Definitely add several feed and water stations. :)

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