this has been stalled for over 2 weeks, Arkansas81, can you post what you have right now so this can get moving again?
Ive always got eggs from my mix layer flock
Hens are :white leghorns, Basque, red sexlink, glw, gl polish. Roosters are Basque, bcm. These roosters are pure -BUT THESE CHICKS WILL NOT BE

12+ on mix layers -I can ship 5/13. Have 3 huge orders next week to fill


6+ ees (parents lay blue eggs but chicks could be olive eggers, my pure bcm roo covers these hens)
I can ship 5/13. 3 huge orders next week

6 Cochin banties (hens are barred and jet black)

I can also do a dozen of my eggs if you want a little of everything...
Ive got guinea's, ducks, very limited peas, turkey eggs. If any of you want some I can ship those out in the middle of June. They just started back up and ive got lots of local orders to fill plus some side swaps to fill first. I can do 12 eggs on any of those.
Ive got guinea's, ducks, very limited peas, turkey eggs. If any of you want some I can ship those out in the middle of June. They just started back up and ive got lots of local orders to fill plus some side swaps to fill first. I can do 12 eggs on any of those.

I would claim peas and turkeys for sure, but I live in Louisiana and I don't think eggs would survive shipping in our heat in June. :(
Has anyone ever shipped with a freezer pack in the summer to keep eggs cool? If anyone can say that they've had good experiences with that AND if Arkansas81 is willing, I would pay for the freezer pack. Anyone?

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