I don't recall ever getting those rhode bars but
I have a pen that has three Cornish x two australorps and two light brahmas all hens and one pavlovskaya roo someone payed an egg today not sure who but I expect more to follow anyone interested in them?

Pm ing you.
It seems there has been a mess up somewhere along the way on this swap thread.

Daskhan says he doesn't think he ever got the last thing claimed.

So if there us anyone that wants to make offer to get things started you're welcome to make an offer.

One other question: are they all running together or in three different runs. And what rooster over what hens if in different runs?

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OK Here we go, I will get this thread fired up with some "True Beauties!"

8+ Turken-Maran-Ameraucana crosses

You will get pure turken eggs, French Cuckoo maran X Turken, Ameraucana X Turken. Most will probably hatch naked neck, but a few could hatch fully feathered. You will get brown, green, blue, & chocolate eggs. Here are some photos of my beauties!

Any questions let me know.
OK Here we go, I will get this thread fired up with some "True Beauties!" 8+ Turken-Maran-Ameraucana crosses You will get pure turken eggs, French Cuckoo maran X Turken, Ameraucana X Turken. Most will probably hatch naked neck, but a few could hatch fully feathered. You will get brown, green, blue, & chocolate eggs. Here are some photos of my beauties! Any questions let me know. Christie:D
Interesting crosses. How soon could you get these out? Asking but not really sure what I could offer in return, all I have are NN, with only 1 that lays a green egg. There would also be done hatch out fully feathered.
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Trying to post for the third time. SO sorry if they all come through at once.

I would like to claim the:

8+ Turken-Maran-Ameraucana crosses

You will get pure turken eggs, French Cuckoo maran X Turken, Ameraucana X Turken. Most will probably hatch naked neck, but a few could hatch fully feathered. You will get brown, green, blue, & chocolate eggs. Here are some photos of my beauties!
I think I figured out why my posts wouldn't post... trying again

I want to claim the Naked Necks, and I can offer 6 Purebred Bielefelder eggs
I think I figured out why my posts wouldn't post... trying again

I want to claim the Naked Necks, and I can offer 6 Purebred Bielefelder eggs
I will take the bielefelder eggs and offer 8 + Turken crosses again or 6+ Barred rock bantam eggs or 12+ button quail eggs

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