Wished those Flower Hens would be ready before the 1st of Nov. I'm going to put some eggs some eggs on to hatch then.

I'd love so love to have these.
I hope they will begin laying soon. They were laying before I got them 2 days ago so have to give them some time to adjust and start laying again. I can't wait either.
Seems like all the threads are stalled... Incubators must be finally going off for the winter...

Wait a minute.... there is an OFF button?!? What??
current offer

6 flower hen eggs in roughly 3 weeks


indian runner ducks in spring

According to the rules you can't offer this.
Please offer eggs that you will have available to ship within two weeks of offering. Please send egg no older the 4 day when shipped.

If the thread stalls for 6 hours, try changing your offer if you can.

If combining different breeds, write in pencil on the eggs with the breed.

Plus this was offered over a week ago.
Wayne, have you already sent your eggs to Funnmomm? If not, it looks like we need to roll back to your offer since the rules state that you must offer something that can be shipped within 2 weeks of offering. Just want to make sure this is done the right way. So, does everyone agree that this is correct?

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