Designing New coop... Why all the plans with Elevated Floors?


7 Years
Jan 5, 2013
We are planning on building a decent sized coop and large run onto the side of our horse barn. When looking at examples of other designs I see a lot of coops where the coops are elevated off the ground and only have a half door. Why is this popular? I guess I'm thinking it would be easier to get in there and clean if you could actually WALK in there from time to time. I'm assuming though that these types of designs actually serve a particular purpose, so I'm posting her to ask why! Thanks in advance!!!


I have coop/run where the coop is elevated. For me the advantage is the extra run space. The coop part of our structure has about a 4X6, which gives an extra 24 sq ft of protected run space. I also hang the food and water from the bottom of the floor of the coop, which I find quite convienent.
If I had a larger run I could see that an "on the ground" coop would be more convienent, but since I needed to save space in my backyard setting the raised coop is more efficient .

Here is a pic of my set up:

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I have a similar set up for similar reasons. Mine has a door that opens into the run and I generally just brush the soiled litter into the run. (I use deep litter in the run)

Additionally, on mine the whole front wall of the coop is hinged which allows easy removal of the litter into a wheelbarrow if desired.
I have coop/run where the coop is elevated. For me the advantage is the extra run space. The coop part of our structure has about a 4X6, which gives an extra 24 sq ft of protected run space. I also hang the food and water from the bottom of the floor of the coop, which I find quite convienent.
If I had a larger run I could see that an "on the ground" coop would be more convienent, but since I needed to save space in my backyard setting the raised coop is more efficient .

Here is a pic of my set up:

Hit the nail square on the head. Well done in answering why the raised coop area. Only other thing I would add is that in my on the ground coop the mice have found that the floor is an awesome cover for their holes and homes.
The main reason my coop is raised, is so I can easily see what is going on under there. Mice, rats, and a whole lot of other pests, just love a dark, hidden, protected space to set up housekeeping of their own. Having a raised coop also gives the chickens a nice shady spot to hang out under. And if you have a walk in coop, half doors don't cut it, gotta have a door big enough to walk in, without cracking your skull.
Shade for chickens to get out of hot sun.
Rain-free zone to keep feed dry and for chickens to get out of the rain.
High enough to prevent rodents from living or tunneling underneath.
The main reason my coop is raised, is so I can easily see what is going on under there. Mice, rats, and a whole lot of other pests, just love a dark, hidden, protected space to set up housekeeping of their own. Having a raised coop also gives the chickens a nice shady spot to hang out under. And if you have a walk in coop, half doors don't cut it, gotta have a door big enough to walk in, without cracking your skull.
Ditto that!

My coop is built in a large shed.....18" off the ground and way higher than just walk in, which is great for ventilation up high.

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