My hen Lorraine who was rehomed to me came with various issues — worms, lice, brittle eggs, crop issues and a large soft lump below her vent. I had a telehealth consult with an avian vet then took her to a regular ver to get the Suprelorin contraceptive implant. It’s expensive. Over $500AUD. She was very subdued for a week or two, went through a dramatic moult, looked like an old crone for several months and is just now starting to return to normal. She’s in excellent health now and I think having a break from laying really helped with that. I would recommend it to anyone with a laying hen with multiple/serious issues if you can afford i
My beautiful 6 year old Ebony Belgian Maline hen Mimi has just been diagnosed with internal laying. Her body was able to reabsorb the fluids for probably months, and she seemed herself except I had noticed intermittent labored breathing at times. Now I know why, as the build up of fluids was causing it. She's always been so robust and verbal and yesterday was totally weak. I luckily got an appointment with our only local vet that sees chickens and she diagnosed her. I'm giving her an anti-inflammatory and an antibiotic for the next several days. But the vet said, if she doesn't improve in a week, she suggests euthanasia! The vet did mention I could try to find someone who might "clean her out" and do an implant.
I'm so sad and not very hopeful I will find anyone in this area. It is early June and I'm hoping if she can just get through this summer, then the hormones will die down. But I realize it will be the same case and probably worse next year.
I'm heartened to read that others have the same feelings I do about all this - I see my girls as companion animals.
I am sorry to hear about your baby. When I read you post I couldn’t help but wonder if reducing her daylight by would help her stop laying? I’m not a vet and not suggesting you do this, but I was just curious 🤷‍♀️

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