

In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 23, 2008
Bend, OR
Some people who are selling eggs note that they have their birds on a regular deworming schedule. Is regular deworming necessary? I have never seen worms in my chickens poop and I would rather not feed them chemicals they do not need. My mom has had chickens for ten years and has never dewormed.
I totally agree Je. If it's not necessary then don't do it. If you have DE on hand and are putting that in the coop and a little over their food you may never see's a great preventative if you do it before they get worms. If they do get it than you will have to deworm them or they will get sick but I can't see putting them on a reg schedule for that at all.
Some wormers do have a withdrawal time when the eggs shouldn't be eaten.

I do not believe chickens should be treated regularly for worms unless they actually HAVE worms. Prevention is fine, but worming them constantly is not.
Thanks for your replies everyone. I am glad that I can just continue along my merry way and not worry about routine deworming.

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