Diatomaceous earth--- Really that harmless?????

99% of what follows that statement is false.

Don't rely on info from SALESMEN


Um..... didn't this whole thread start because a salesperson tried to do a 'boogah boogah' on the OP? I agree, you don't need an education to be a salesperson, just have to be a smooth-talker. Go out there, research, and make up your own minds.
Your garden center may sell something called "Concern." It is diatomaceous earth used for insect control in organic gardens. You can find it on the internet. As was said above, there are different kinds of DE. Don't use the pool filter type. It is more dangerous to inhale. You should use a respirator or good dust mask when applying it regardless. I have used this DE occasionally on the chickens, and have used it to help control ticks in the garden. But I really don't think that the chicks need it if they have access to dust bathing, free ranging and are not overcrowded.
I'm a third generation chicken gal and I'll tell you this....never used DE for our chickens, never had sickness or lice in our flocks, etc. You seriously do not need DE or sweet PDZ at all to raise chickens. Your feed store guy is correct in that part....just use common sense, keep your coop nice and dry, good ventilation and work on preventative health measures for your chickens. DE doesn't even have to be part of your life, so...crisis avoided!
Has anyone used the granular form of Food Grade DE? Purchasing my second bag of DE at a different feed store, I found it to be granular rather than powdery when I opened the bag. I'm using it because it's all I can get right now. Definitely easier to use, not dusty, but I'm wondering if it is as effective.
Definitely easier to use, not dusty, but I'm wondering if it is as effective

I don't see how it could be as effective when it's clumped up already, reducing the surface area.

It's the fine particles working their way into the insects joints that make it work at all​
I have asthma and use DE on my chickens, rabbits and dogs. No fleas or bugs of any kind and it doesn't seem to bother my asthma as long as i'm not in a cloud of DE dust!
I find DE at my local feed store. You can purchase a whole bag or he can weigh out a couple of pounds. You can also get it at our heatlth food co-op but it is more expensive there.
I will continue to use it as a food supplement but know for sure it is an ineffective wormer. See my posting in the emergencies section regarding necropsy of a couple of my worm infested pullets.

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