Diatomaceous Earth


11 Years
Apr 10, 2008
Hello and Happy Friday

Can I put Diatomaceous Earth in my coop with my chicks at six weeks of age?

It seems safe enough, but I have never raised chickens before so I am learning.

I do not think my tractor supply store carries it either.
The tractor supply store told me that when my chicks arrive they do not come with vaccinations, but that when they arrive they put the medicine in the water. They told me not to be concerned.

Please help the beginner.
There is a thread below title DE=dust baths, or something along those lines. See if it answers your questions.
Check out the Food Grade DE page that I'm putting together. There's a section called "Where to Buy DE".

I've been using it in the brooder pine shavings to help keep the smell down as it is in a spare room in our trailer. The chicks are usually 5 - 7 days old when I remove the paper towels from the top of the litter and I've had no problem with the babies being around the food grade DE that young. I so add it sparingly so that it's not too dusty for them.

Hope this is some help!


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