dickey vs. sportsman opinions needed

I think put 1/2" of insulation on the top would be more than adequate. Most heat escapes from the top.

I was asking because I am building a cabinet I was going to try uninsulated first I am using 3/4 plywood . I am building so insulating would be fairly easy if it does,nt meet my expectations . thanks
We used to have mold problems with our walk in bators and hatchers...

That's what I want!

In doing the research before I bought my Dickey the only significant difference between the two that I could find was that the Dickey was made with plywood and the Sportsman made with particle board. That was what I read anyway and it may no longer be true, I can't say. Both boxes seem to be about equal in quality and hatching performance. I finally went with the Dickey because it was somewhat cheaper and the fact that it's built in a town not far from where my family in Georgia lives.

You can find a lot of info about both using the board search function. Not a lot of difference between the two so far as I could tell. I like my Dickey a lot.
A.T. Hagan :

In doing the research before I bought my Dickey the only significant difference between the two that I could find was that the Dickey was made with plywood and the Sportsman made with particle board.

My Sportsman (new this year) is definitely a laminated material. It's painted over so I can't tell if it's plywood or if it's another material with inner and outer laminations. Either way, it's well built and more importantly, keeps the temps and humidity exactly where I set them, with no fluctuation more than a couple tenths of a degree (electronic thermostat model). I wouldn't be surprised if both companies use identical components inside and would be surprised if either didn't work as well as the other.​

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