Did a snake eat an egg?


6 Years
Mar 4, 2018
Mansfield, TX
I went to go get non fertile eggs from under my broody hen. (I have, had a dozen fertile eggs underneath her)
But I noticed I was missing one, I can tell because i marked them.

I noticed the 3 eggs that I pulled out from underneath her, had yolk on them.
I’m thinking the missing one was accidentally stepped on and broke, but didn’t find the egg shell.

If a snake ate it, it wouldn’t of left yolk residue behind would it?
I think so. She doesn't know the difference between a broken egg that's food and a broken egg that used to be the egg she was protecting. Has she been eating well since she went broody?
We set food out for them when during the day, but I’m at work, so couldn’t tell you. When I do see her come out to eat I try to make sure she eats without being bothered
A snake would not crush an egg or eat a crushed egg. They want it whole. I think that they crush it in their stomach and regurgitate the shell later. I had a snake in my coop that I promptly dispatched but while I was going after it it regurgitated the egg it had just ate and it was whole. Not even a crack. It was the last egg that it ever ate though. 😉 I’ve even had a snake eat a fake ceramic egg. I thought it might kill it but now I know it probably regurgitated it when it couldn’t crush it internally.

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