Did anyone else set eggs on or near 10/16/09?

Day 7 -- everything looks ok. I have tried to candle some but looks like alot will not make it due to the rough handling of post office and the very BAD packing the seller did.

On a good note today i will be working on my brooder. I will post pics of it prob tommorrow when i have it done.
I think I figured out why my eggs are having fertility issues...

Our RIR roo died this morning

No damage to him or anything but he had been looking a little bloated for the last 2 or 3 weeks. I thought he was just getting fat for the winter

The breeder I purchased my RIRs from said it was likely from him ingesting something he shouldn't have and getting a blockage. He was the world's sweetest rooster and my kids were pretty upset. We got him at 14 weeks and the kids held him and the hens every day this summer. I did get a replacement rooster but he is much less friendly. He isn't aggressive towards people, just scared of em. He seems to be great with the hens. Hopefully I can work with him and get him kid friendly.

On a positive note, I hate to say it but the new roo is actually a much prettier bird.

I am down to 3/9 viable eggs. I broke all 6 of the duds open and there was 0 growth. I couldn't see a bullseye or anything but I don't know if 6 days in the bator would change how that would appear anyway.
How is everyone else doing with their incubation? I would love to hear how things are going.

I just got done candling my 3 remaining eggs. Even with the nasty temp spike, I still have three live chicks. They were actually moving around in the egg. A totally amazing sight let me tell you!

Incidentally, I bought an LED flashlight for $5.88 from WALMART that is just awesome at candling eggs. It takes 3 AAA batteries and has 9 LED bulbs. I have never candled eggs before and I could see veins and the embryo at day 5.
Still waiting the hatch date, little under 2 weeks now. I have to say though this run has been fairly stable for us this time. We wrapped the homemade bator in a beach towel and the temp fluctuations are almost non existent, with one exception sometime early Friday morning with the cats got in the room and stepped on the power strip switch, dropped to 81 in 2 hours but everything that wasn't a earlier bloodring was fine a few hours later when candled. Crossing fingers that the 3 silkies make it to hatching or else I'm going to break down and buy chicks
today is day 9 for me. Going to wait till tommorrow to do a candle and cull the ones with blood rings. Will post the results tommorrow. I am hoping for the best but with the rough packing not sure how it will end up.
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ok i got to wondering and candled them.

bought 42
receviced 47
broken 6

left 41 to hatch

of the 41---
14 are going strong
12 are questionable
6 not fertial
9 blood ring

will candle on day 17 so it is before lockdown.
Hopefully you will get the last 26. I set a total of 9 eggs over two days and I am down to 3. Six of mine were just not fertile. I can actually see the baby chicks swimming around in the last 3 eggs. I gotta stop candling them but it looks so cool that it's hard for me to stop taking a peek.

Did you crack open the ones you culled? I did just to make sure and my judgement was 100% right on this little batch so far.
My month got hectic. So when I set eggs is anyone's guess. LOL Adventure Incubating!!! You guess when!

I know I have a batch due around the end of this week. And another batch due... oh about a week later...

And then some sitting on the kitchen counter with a due date of next month LOL, depending on how many sizzles actually hatch this week. Too few and in go the counter eggs.

I didn't get to candle, or didn't candle - the seramas out of fear, and the Gold Cuckoo Marans out of fear and because it's pointless when they're that dark. The fear is dropping and cracking one... done it too often before. So it' s a total mystery hatch for this week. Next week I have delawares, or del mixes and sizzles due.

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