Did anyone else set eggs on or near 10/16/09?

Well, I took everything out of the turners, put them into egg cartons and am turning the chickens by propping the cartons up on one side, then switching to the other side 3 times a day. No pips or chirps from the quail yet but they are not due till Tuesday.
I'll candle and cull my group tonight. I'm setting again tonight, so I'll do it all then. There's going to be three seperate groups in there and lockdown for next Friday's group is next Tuesday
Hi everyone! I'm a newbie and put 8 quail eggs on the 24th. I candled a practice egg last night (out of the fridge-good thing, cause I dropped it afterwards :eek:(, but I could see it glow in the lighter part of the shell, then I tried a couple that I had in the incubator and couldn't see in them or really see a glow at all (my candling setup wasn't the best either and I'm new and I did see somewhere that it is very hard to candle quail eggs. I hope that I at least get one out of the batch, or I'll be so dissapointed!

Good luck to everyone with your hatches and please keep your fingers crossed for me too!

PS-Anyone with quail have a candling method that works well for them? Thanks
I will say don't throw any of the glowing ones out. I had trouble with them falling out of the auto turner and breaking. I candled and they glowed like a clear egg, but upon cracking them open there were nearly done chicks in there....don't know for the life of me how they wouldn't have thrown a shadow.
mine are due to hatch on the 6th of november!!
its a little of this and a little of that just a bunch of eggs i collected from different pens
i cant wait hopefully i get some silkie babies too
Candled & culled tonight. All of the Barred Bantam Cochins were scrambled when I pulled & opened them, dangit! Shipping sucks sometimes! Of the 10 partridge penedesencas I set from my pullets I have 6 babies growing well. I'm so excited! It's looks to be a small hatch for us, but very welcome!
Wednesday is 18th day. I can't wait... I do have a question. I put the eggs in at 5pm on a Saturday. And i was told to have day 1 start on sunday. The question is Should I lock down on the 18th day or on the 17th after 5pm?

I can't wait to candle again to see more growth. I just hope i don;t have to cull some more. I have 4 set off to the side as i was not sure about them. If that is all i have to cull i will still have 22 RIR going strong.

I just can't wait... Did i say i was excited...
Hope you don;t mind all the questions I have learned so much on my first hatch and reading all the great information on this site.
i bought 7 mille fleur d'uccle eggs and got 2 extra eggs that were self-blue d'uccle. 2 of the mille eggs were scrambled during shipping but the rest were fine. i set them all @ 7am on 10/13 and ended up tossing the 2 scrambled when i candled on day 10 (or was it day 12?) anyway the 7 good eggs (5 mille and 2 self blue d'uccle) were still good on day 18 (10/30/09) they are due to hatch today (i think) but still no pips. 2 of them are still wobbling a little but the other 5 have been still for the last 2-3 days. hoping i will see some action by tonight. I can't wait. sooooo excited. keep your fingers crossed for me. so far everything has been great no major fluctuations in temp or humidity. will keep everyone updated on the progress.

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