Did anyone else set eggs on or near 10/16/09?

Congrats to everyone with fuzzy butts! Sorry to those of you who have had problems

I got home around 1pm and I had 1 pip out of my 3 eggs. Still hasn't done anything else but I am anxiously awaiting.
4 chicks, 1 zipping, half a dozen or so pips....come on chickies

KDbeads how is the little one doing?

PS....incubating is MUCH more fun when chicks hatch at the end....I believe I am hooked
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Mine are due saturday. No moving or anything yet. The chicks i ordered made it here today. 2 days early but they arived safe. Will keep you up to date.
I have 2 pips now. The second chick that pipped is really active. I think he will zip before the other one. C'mon chickies - I have a dozen more eggs waiting to go in the incubator!
He's bent on flailing himself around at the moment. I'm trying to figure out how to cover the 'hole' so he can get out of the wet rag I have him wrapped in. Right now I'd probably be grateful to those little round bandaids that come in the assortments but noooo... not a one to be found. So I'm making my own.

Well see. I don't want to hope too much just in case but he is a gorgeous little guy.
I had 13 blrw bantam eggs make it to day 18 out of 24 eggs, 11 had ruptured air cells from shipping. So far I have 4 chicks out and 3 more pips! Nail biting time for the other 6 to do something!!!
So, update on the little dude:
He's flailing around as much as he can, still can't get his feet under his belly yet but in just a couple of hours since I slapped on the bandaid there has been some improvement. He's a screamer as well

I'm giving him a 50/50 of making it. refusing to name him at the moment but that little saying keeps drifting through my head, 'I will love him and pet him and call him George' or if you're a Nemo fan that would be 'Squishy'.
Anywho, pics of the little man (everything I hatch is officially male until it proves otherwise


The wait is killing me - how long does it usually take for em to zip after they pip? The first one that pipped did so around noon and I haven't seen any movement or progress on that chick. The second chick is moving like crazy but it hasn't made much progress either. It has a little chunk of shell off and I can see his/her beak poking out from time to time.

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