Did anyone else set eggs on or near 10/16/09?

In case anyone is wondering the lone chick I have is doing great. The umbilical hole has nearly completely closed up, he's walking around really good but still trips when running. All day today he's been a quiet little chick then I sat down and held him for a bit....... boy did he turn into a monster when I put him back in the brooder! Even with his feather duster and stuffie he was screaming so I finally tracked down a mirror. Scared the crud out of him, he went straight to feather duster momma and hid... hasn't come back out either

Providing he makes the week he'll be named Neo.
After a last minute run to MO to buy Welsummer pullets & cockerels
I got home to a peeping incubator!!! Yippee!!! I won't open it until tomorrow to check them though. I HATE having a solid door cabinet incubator. It's so frustrating!
Hrmmmm, wonder what he/she's was thinking when he/she saw the reflection? "OMG! a bigger rooster than me!"

I'll leave the possible female response up to a female, I'm not stupid...all of the time.

i woke up and 1 running around and curping away... I think he is going to be a bull in a china shop. He is walking around bumping and rolling eggs around... what to do???
He is just about dry..
I had 5 of the 6 hatched and dry when I opened the incubator this morning!! The remaining eggs was pipped, so here's hoping
My pullets did GREAT!! I did set these eggs when the Partridge Penedesenca girls had only been away from the Wheaten boys about 2 weeks and a few of these babies are obviously wheaten coloring
I'll hold those babies back for my free range eating egg stock. We should have purebred babies for breeding stock in the next hatch or two and all after that will be pure color varieties


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