Did I guess right on these breeds ? ** WITH PICS **


12 Years
Nov 20, 2007
Glendale, AZ
all these baby's came from Privett - I got them all at our TS - 6 we got last week and 6 we got yesterday - I have been going through Privett's website and have been trying to compare the baby;s to the pictures - so do you think I guess right??
I am going to give them the numbers that are on the pictures from my camera so I can keep track of the pictures

#317 -- Black Banty Cochin


# 321-- Buff or Red Cochins ( 2 of these )

# 322 -- Blue Cochin ( really hopes this one is a pullet )

# 324 -- Golden Laced Cochin

# 328 -- Black Japanese


# 329 -- Silverduckwing oegb ( 2 of these )

#330 -- Black Rosecomb


# 332 -- Buff Brahma ( 2 of these )

# 333 -- Dark Cornish Banty

I can post pics in a few weeks to see how they all feather out
so how do you think I did with my guessing? next question will be later on who is a roo LOL

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Both of the ones that look like #332 - do have puffy cheecks I thought it was just the way thier fluff was - but I was petting thier faces and the fluff did not lay down it stayed pretty fluffy LOL so should I change that to Mille fluer d'uccle? I will go back to Privett's website and take a look at that breed and see how they compare - thank you for the help with that one

so I did alright on guessing the rest? I am really hopeing the one that is a Blue cochin is a pullet I would really love a blue anything - and I already have a banty roo out there - so who ever is a roo in this group I cant have.

well I took a look at Privett's website at the Mille fluer d'uccle pictures and the baby's they show are alittle darker than mine , but I am sure they variey in color as babies. I would not mind if they were Mille's those are very pretty birds.

I will post again in a few weeks when I need help finding out who the roo is.

if it is a goled seabright pullet I would be so happy - I did not even notice to pay attention to the leg colors and the pics Privett has are really hard to see - I hope I guessed right on the others

thank you for you help it would be so great to have a seabright they are such pretty birds


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